Our research shows that 89% of IT managers say their current or former companies use productivity surveillance tech to monitor employees. Despite this staggering number, the data suggests that this approach is ineffective and counterproductive. So why are so many organizations making this mistake, and how do you prevent your company from falling into this trap?  

In part 2 of our webinar series, 1E’s Hannah Leane will be joined by sustainableIT’s Tim James and Riaan Venter to discuss the pervasive issue of surveillance in IT and how to adopt a more productivity-minded approach.  

Register for this webinar to hear Tim and Riaan’s takes on some of the biggest questions around employee productivity surveillance technology:  

  • What motivates IT departments to put employee surveillance measures in place?   
  • What are some wins and losses associated with this tech that your clients have seen when using productivity surveillance software?  
  • What does it look like to deploy this type of surveillance in different regions? 
  • What kinds of effects does productivity surveillance have on employees? 
  • What’s the alternative to employee surveillance – are there other ways to help improve productivity?  
  • What’s the best advice you can give IT leaders who are trying to help improve employee productivity at their organizations?